Poke I Will Never Use These Commands Again

I do not own PokeTwo and the SirTapTap Discord Server is a CHAT SERVER, it does not have PokeTwo! Do not come into my discord to ask about poketwo, you will be banned, we have had way, way too much spam.

 PokeTwo is a Discord Pokemon game bot designed to be just like the original Pokecord (RIP). It's the closest to Pokecord I've found so far, while MewBot and PokeMeow (which I also have guides for) are more their own thing. If you know how to play Pokecord you're pretty much already good to go with PokeTwo, but I'll note everything here for new or confused players!

This is a guide written by Sir TapTap. Donations to Poketwo do not go to me, so if my guides help, consider supporting my Patreon or become a paid member of my YouTube channel.

Table of Contents

  • PokeTwo Updates
  • How To Play PokeTwo
  • How Pokemon Spawn in PokeTwo
    • Where To Play Pokétwo
    • Quickstart PokeTwo Guide
  • How To Evolve ANY Pokemon in PokeTwo
    • Starting Pokétwo
    • Pokemon Commands
  • Battle Commands
  • Shop Commands
    • Trading Commands
    • PokeTwo Bot Commands
  • PokeTwo Market Commands
    • PokeTwo Administration Commands
  • Troubleshooting
  • Addendum

PokeTwo Updates

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You can support me and my guides monthly on Patreon (and score some rewards like cute cat pictures)! The more I earn the more time I can spend on improving guides like this. My PayPal is a thing too if you can't do monthly subscriptions.

Support Sir TapTap on Patreon!

How To Play PokeTwo


Do not ask about poketwo in my discord server, you will be banned.

How Pokemon Spawn in PokeTwo

Please actually read this section as a massive amount of people seem to misunderstand the fundamental concept of this bot!

If you played Pokecord, you're basically up to speed already. In PokeTwo, every time someone posts aregular chat message there is a chance of a Pokemon spawning in response. This meansno chatting, no pokemon, ever! There are alsoanti-spam features that limit how often one person can spawn a pokemon: one person spamming over and over still won't spawn Pokemon. The best way to spawn pokemon is (shock and horror) a lot of people having a real conversation and talking back and forth! Yes, that's what PokeCord was originally designed to encourage!

Only real, generally back-and-forth chatting generates Pokemon! Spamming the chat with repeated lines from one person will not reliably generate pokemon, nor is there a ;spawn command or anything of the sort! Most people forget, but Pokecord was designed to encourage chatting on a Discord server. If you're sitting silently waiting for Pokemon you are playing Pokecord clones wrong.Say hi in a general chat channel and make a dialog to get Pokemon spawning.

The one exception is if you buy incense, which spawns a pokemon every 20 seconds for an hour.

If you just want to force Pokemon to appear, you want to play PokeMeow or Myuu instead. There is to my knowledge no bot that just constantly spawns pokemon with 0 input like some people seem to want. Also note PokeTwo's spawn rate seems to have been massively nerfed.

We have permanently removed it due to the spammy, rude community.

Where To Play Pokétwo

Do not join my server for poketwo or poketwo questions, you will be banned.

To play PokeTwo, all you need is a Discord server with the bot set up. Only real, back and forth conversations with multiple people reliably spawn pokemon. Talk like a normal person in populated channels to spawn mons.

You can add the bot to your own Server or you can join the official server for PokeTwo. What server you play in basically does not matter, there is only one 'save file' for you for the bot that travels with your Discord account.

The official server will be crammed and many pokemon will spawn (but many people will be there to catch them). Your own discord server will be quieter and easier to catch pokemon, but less of them are likely to spawn. Also, expect to do some moderation if it's in your own server; I recommend keeping PokeTwo sequestered in a single channel people can mute (or even requiring a role to see the PokeTwo channel) if people find it too annoying.

Sir TapTap's Discord Server

My Discord server is not for PokeTwo and does not have PokeTwo availible at all. Only join it if you want to chat to people, almost no one in the server (myself included) plays poketwo anyway.

Quickstart PokeTwo Guide

Once the bot is in your server, pokemon will start to spawn based on time and number of posts. Type p!start to get started, then p!pick (starter name) to select a starter. Usep!redirect (#channelname) if you want Pokemon to only spawn in a specific channel.

When a pokemon appears, the first to correctly p!catch (pokemon name) it gets it.p!hint will offer a hint if you don't recognize it or can't remember. You can use p!c as a shortcut for catch.

Bots can be spammy, so you can restrict the Send/Manage Messages permissions on PokeTwo's account to only the channels you want in your Server. It's recommended to leave Read permissions, as that's how pokemon spawn.

There's no limit to how many pokemon you can get, so there's no reason (other than politeness) to not catch a pokemon. In a server with friends, consider letting other players catch pokemon you already have (alternately, catch them and trade them to who wants them for free).

It helps to add all pokemon you're planning to duel with to your favorites list, so you don't have to go through the whole pokemon list every time. Note not many people actually bother to battle, it's mostly a collection game. Pokemon are always referenced by number not name in commands, so this will help you find the numbers quickly.

Pokemon level just by chatting in a server with Pokétwo active; only your active pokemon gets experience this way though, so be sure to p!select who you want to raise. Without an Everstone (in p!shop), Pokemon that can evolve via level willautomatically evolve at that level with no cancel prompt. There is no specific command to level up. Note Pokemon level more slowly than Pokecord did.

How To Evolve ANY Pokemon in PokeTwo

Most Pokemon evolve the exact same way in the real pokemon games; a level, evolution stone, item, trade etc. If possible, PokeTwo emulates the exact same condition. Use p!evolve if you think your pokemon should be able to evolve. You can learn the evolution requirement from p!dex (pokemon).

Video guide on my YouTube.

Pokemon's requirements can be checked withp!pokedex (pokemon), try it for Pokemon with unusual unlocks like Inkay, and you'll see they've been given a level-based unlock usually. Pokemon that need trading still need to be traded withp!trade, and pokemon that need items you'll have to buy from the shop with p!shop.

For a brief rundown, basically all pokemon evolve in one of the following ways (roughly ordered by commonality):

  • Leveling up (just talking or Rare Candy from the shop)
  • Evolution items (p!shop)
  • Leveling up while holding an item
    • Affection level ups are replaced with the Friendship Bracelet in the shop
  • Trading (possibly while holding an item)

Unusual evolution conditions like "hold the 3DS upside down" are mostly replaced with level, stone, or item requirements.

PokeTwo Commands

A pipe | means "Or" in commands, showing alternative arguments or methods of typing a command

Starting Pokétwo

  • p!start
    • Enters you into the game. Other commands will not work, including p!catch, until you officially start the game.
  • p!pick (pokemon)
    • Select your starter, you can pick any "starter" pokemon from any mainline generation up to 7. This does not include Pikachu or Eevee. It shows you the list after you type it, so review it then.
  • p!help
    • The bot will post a list of commands with several pages to go through. The reactions change pages, but they're very buggy. Part of why I figured just make a guide for it.

Pokemon Commands

  • p!catch (pokemon name) | p!c
    • The most important command, catches the currently spawned pokemon, if you guess the name correctly and no one else catches it first. Spawns eventually expire, or expire instantly if another spawn occurs. If the bot doesn't respond to this command, the pokemon is already gone.
      • The first time you catch any specific pokemon you get 35 credits
  • p!hint
    • Get a hint to the currently spawned pokemon
  • p!shinyhunt (pokemon)
    • Target a certain pokemon for a shiny. Every time you catch this pokemon, your odds of getting a shiny one will slowly increase.
  • p!evolve (pokemon)
    • Evolve your pokemon, if it meets the requirement
  • p!nickname (nickname)
    • Set a nickname for the current pokemon
  • p!order (number|level|iv|pokedex)
    • Orders your p!pokemon list in the manner selected. Note "number" means order caught, not Pokedex number
  • p!select (pokemon)
    • Sets your active pokemon to the input number
    • use p!select latest to select your last caught pokemon, useful for quick Nicknaming.
  • p!pokedex
    • See all your caught (and uncaught) pokemon
    • Note only Pokemon directly caught with pcatch count for this. Trades, evolutions, redeems, etc, will show as uncaught.
    • Typep!pokedex (pokemon name) to see the pokedex entry for a pokemon, even if you don't have them
      • This even shows how they evolve! If you're having trouble evolving a pokemon, use this
    • Unlike Pokecord, no need to claim rewards, they're automatically added to your balance
  • p!release (Pokemon number)
    • Releases a Pokemon permanently, effectively deleting it
  • p!releaseall (search terms)
    • Mass release pokemon
  • p!unmega
    • Revert a Mega Evolution to its original form
      • p!shop 6to see the Mega Stone shop to turn pokemon Mega in the first place
      • Primal Forms (Groudon and Kyogre) are considered Megas

Battle Commands

Expect battles to be broken!Please stop asking about battle bugs, I'm not the developer and it's like always broken. If it doesn't work, it is almost certainly just actually broken.

Video guide on my YouTube.

Battles are very primitive and only damaging moves work. No status moves do anything at present (they act as 0 damage attacks), though move priority works. There are no TMs or move tutors, level up moves are all there is for now.

Not many people seem to use PokeTwo to battle, but this is how it works. After a Battle your Pokemon is instantly fully healed, so there's no downside to battling. You must have at least 3 pokemon to battle. Pokemon should be manually taught moves with p!learn and p!moveset as otherwise they just have the last 4 moves they would have learned when caught, like normal Pokemon games.

  • p!battle (@user) | p!duel (@user)
    • Battle another trainer with your pokémon!
    • @user is literally an @mention of the user you are challenging. You will use your currently selected pokemon. You can't just use p!battle or battle an NPC
      • The bot will then DMboth parties to set up a team.Ignore this DM as setting pokemon in DMs seems broken
      • p!battle add (pokemon #)
        • After starting and accepting a battle, you set 3 pokemon for your team, using theirnumber, same as in yourp!pokemon list.
          • Moves are then selected via DMs with PokeTwo (if your DMs are closed to the bot, you can't fight)
          • This makes fighting a confusing mess, but keeps your enemy from knowing your move
  • p!battle cancel
    • Cancel a battle as there seems to be almost no timeout
    • You must finish or cancel a battle to start another so use this command if you're "stuck" in a battle
  • p!learn (move name)
    • Learn moves for your pokémon to use in battle
      • Note you have to be a certain level to learn some moves, unlike many other pokemon bots
      • To replace a move, just learn a new move and it will ask you which one to replace. Just like Pokemon.
  • p!moveinfo (move name)
    • View information about a certain move
  • p!moves (pokemon)
    • View current moveset and available moves for your active Pokemon
  • p!moveset (pokemon)
    • View all moves for your pokémon and how to get them.

Shop Commands

These are what those credits from catching pokemon are for. You can Mega Evolve Pokemon by buying Mega stones from p!shop 6. Mega stones are instantly applied to your currently selected pokemon. Make sure you use the right stone in the case of Pokemon with X and Y forms like MewTwo.

Note: Incense spawns a pokemon every 20 seconds for an hour.

Primal Forms are considered Megas (because they are…) so use a Mega Stone to get Primal Kyogre or Primal Groudon.

  • p!balance
    • View your current balance of PokeTwo Credits
    • Get more by voting and catching pokemon
  • p!togglebalance
    • Don't show your balance on shop pages, I guess so people don't pester you if you have a lot of money…?
  • p!shop (page=x)
    • View the Pokétwo item shop, starting at (x) page
    • Most pokemon that evolve with held items or evolution stones will require something from the shop to evolve
  • p!buy [args…]
  • Purchase an item from the shop.
  • p!dropitem <pokemon>
  • Drop a pokémon's held item.
  • p!moveitem <from pokemon #> <to pokemon #>
    • Move a pokémon's held item.
  • p!open [type] [amt=1]
    • Open mystery boxes received from voting.
  • p!redeem [species]
    • Use a redeem to receive a pokémon of your choice
      • Does not count for Pokedex!
    • Redeems are exclusively Patreon rewards, or allegedly Voting rewards. Must be very, very rare probably only in the highest tier lootbox if they exist.
    • Since redeems say nothing about shinies, I am almost certain you cannot redeem a shiny Pokemon (or if you can, they have the same odds of being shiny as everything else)
  • p!redeemspawn [species]
    • Use a redeem to spawn a pokémon of your choice
      • Does count for pokedex!
        • This means use redeemspawn if you really want it in your dex, but be careful it's not sniped I guess. I'd copy a catch command to paste just after redeeming the spawn or use it in a private channel
  • p!stopincense
    • Stop your Incense timer
      • Your incense will, as far as I'm aware, be wasted
poketwo lootbox example
PokeTwo lootbox opening example

Trading Commands

  • p!trade (@username)
    • Start the trading interface with a specific user. You only have so long to complete the trade. The bot walks you through the steps.

PokeTwo Bot Commands

Favorites List Commands
  • p!favorite | p!fav
    • Adds or removes your current Pokemon from PokeTwo's favorites list
      • FAvorites show with a Heart in the Pokemon list
Other Commands
  • p!event
    • Check current event information, if any
  • p!auction
    • Pokemon auctions
  • p!embedcolor
    • Change embed colors, if your current pokemon has embed colors (only certain legendaries do)
  • p!n | p!b | p!next | p!back
    • Next/last page when viewing a multiple page item like p!help or your pokemon list. Very buggy.
  • p!daily | p!vote
    • Get the vote link or check your voting streak and rewards. Voting gives you lootboxes based on your daily voting streak
  • p!time
    • Current time of day, certain pokemon can only be found/evolved during the day (probably)
  • p!open (normal|great|ultra) (amount)
    • Opens lootboxes. You can't do anything else with them, so just open them
  • p!silence
    • Silences your personal level up warnings. Use it again to turn them back on.

Bot Commands

Commands relating to PokeTwo as a service.

  • p!healschema (@user)
    • Fix database schema if broken
      • Not sure when this is needed, but probably if there's a bug this may help
  • p!invite
    • View the invite link for the bot
  • p!ping
    • View the bot latency (now long it takes to get your commands)
  • p!profile
    • View your profile
  • p!stats
    • View statistics about the bot itself like server count, user count, trainers, ping
  • p!reindex
    • Reindexes your pokemon in case of an error, unlikely you'll need this.

PokeTwo Market Commands

The Market was just added! While the real Pokemon series sorely frowns on this sort of thing, you can buy and sell your Pokemon here.

  • p!market add (pokemon) (price)
  • List a pokémon on the marketplace
  • p!market search (arguments)
  • Search pokémon from the marketplace
    • Search arguments:
      • ;market [search|s] [--mine MINE=False] [--order ORDER=price-] [--limit LIMIT] [--skip SKIP] [--iv IV] [--spdiv SPDIV] [--spdefiv SPDEFIV] [--spatkiv SPATKIV] [--defiv DEFIV] [--atkiv ATKIV] [--hpiv HPIV] [--level LEVEL] [--type TYPE] [--name NAME] [--mega MEGA=False] [--ub UB=False] [--legendary LEGENDARY=False] [--mythical MYTHICAL=False] [--alolan ALOLAN=False] [--shiny SHINY=False] [page=1]
  • p!market buy <id>
    • Buy a pokémon on the marketplace after finding it's ID with Search
  • p!market info <id>
    • Confirm a specific listed Pokemon's details
  • p!market remove (id)
    • Remove your pokémon from sale
      • Use it's Market ID, not your Pokemon list number

PokeTwo Administration Commands

Only the server admin can activate these commands. They affect settings for the whole server.

If you're worried about Pokétwo disrupting your server, I would first set up the redirect and channel commands, and possibly clearspawns and disable levelup. Alternately, just prevent the bot from speaking in any channel but your spawn channel via restricting its role.

Consider changing the prefix early too so people get used to it, p! is a bit annoying to type.

  • p!redirect (#channel)
    • Redirects all Pokemon spawns into the channel passed. Useful to prevent spam and annoyed server members if everyone's not a fan. I recommend starting out with it redirected on a large server.
    • You can redirect to multiple channels, just list them all in one command
  • p!redirect reset
    • Disables redirecting of spawns
  • p!prefix (prefix)
    • Sets the server prefix, if you don't like p!. My server uses just p so it's easier to type, especially for quick p!catch rushes.
  • p!location
    • Set your timezone for day/night related things
  • p!silence
    • Silence your level up messages
  • p!serversilence
    • Silence level ups server-wide
  • p!configuration
    • Checks various settings that can be set via the above command
Bot Owner Commands

For completeness, you cannot actually use these commands.

  • p!give
    • Only people affiliated with the bot can use this command.
Not a command
  • p!spawn
    • This is not a thing, I don't know why so many people spam it. It doesn't work or do anything at all. Pokemon spawn from normal conversation. There is a cooldown on how often a single person's posts have a chance of spawning Pokemon. The best way to spawn pokemon is a normal back and forth conversation between multiple people.
PokeTwo Badges

Badges aren't a feature yet, I'm not sure why they're displaying on p!profile, but it's probably a feature meant to be implemented in the future.

PokeTwo Gyms

There aren't gyms. See prior paragraph.


I amnot affiliated with PokeTwo in any way, but since people keep asking, their website poketwo.net and there appears to be no contact method other than joining their Discord server to ask support questions.

If PokeTwo is Offline, it's just offline. If the bot has the grey empty circle of an offline discord account, you cannot play it and all current spawns are likely forfeit. It happens very often with discord bots, and there's nothing you can do but wait for it to come back online.


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Pokecord (rip)

My Other Pokemon Game Guides

Pokemon Quest Recipes

Pokemon Sun/Moon Island Scan Guide

Pokemon Rumble Rush guide

Pokemon Masters Guide

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Source: https://sirtaptap.com/guides/poketwo-guide-commands-list/

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