Funny Memes Adam Sandler Movie When He Take a Kid

Home Team (2022) Poster

6 /10

Better then expected

I didn't expect this film to be as funny as it was. The last couple Happy Madison films were pretty bad. This one had me busting up laughing over and over. I'm glad I gave in and decided to give this film a shot. 6 stars.

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7 /10

Kevin James

People are biased towards certain comedy actors for some reason I don't know.

They give minus points before watching their movies.

Kevin James, Rob Schneider are among these names.

Kevin James, who is also a huge sports fan, produced the film.

Adapted from a scandal in the NFL, the movie meets the average viewing pleasure it promises to its audience.

Kevin and Rob have always been good drama actors. You can't do comedy if you don't already have drama skills.

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6 /10

Solid Kevin James comedy

If you enjoy Kevin James movies then you'll enjoy this. It's a good family sports movie, Rob Schneider is great in it. The kids are funny, it's worth the watch for a comedy or football fan.

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7 /10

Kevin James Scores In One Of His Better Films

If You Like Kevin James, you will like this film. If you don't like Kevin, you may STILL like this film, which has the usual cliches, but also several scenes that really work (funny and moving).

Don't know how accurate the story is to fact, but it's engaging enough, despite a few odd ball dumb characters you would expect in a "Billy Madison" production (e.g. Adam Sandler's buddy Rob Schneider once again playing a way out in left field character who is just strange w/o being funny, whose character is married to Sean Peyton's (Kevin James) ex-wife (played by Adam Sandler's real life wife Jackie Sandler who was introduced to Adam by Rob Schneider...whew!).

Anyway, if you don't follow the NFL, the real Sean Peyton (again, played by Kevin James in this film) just retired from coaching the NFL's New Orleans Saints the day the film was released - No doubt planned timing for promoting this Netflix Original film.

Recommend viewing if you're looking for nice family safe comedy with positive messaging (adults can like this too - I did).

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9 /10

Won't Earn Any Awards

But I enjoyed watching. Its a throwback to those old inspirational movies about real people (athletes, soldiers, etc) who win in the end. Maybe we need some more of these.

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6 /10

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

First being a Happy Madison production you pretty much know what to expect. Silly over substance. But here you have some sliver of real life in that it "kicks-off" from an actual event in which New Orleans Saints coach Payton was suspended for a year from his NFL job. Weaving a story of hardship into a connection with his son brings our coach back to coaching on an entirely different level. Since one doesn't expect a warts and all soul searching documentary this is made into pure entertainment. With modest expectations it succeeds and is fun to watch. It's slight in a good way so I'd say if you want a feel good family flick with a few laughs this qualifies.

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7 /10

Really good.

You just can't watch anything any better than one of these family oriented movies. Great for the whole family, no foul language and no nudity. Yes I recommend this one. James Welch Henderson Arkansas. 3/5/2022.

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7 /10


I thought this was a nice little movie. It was more of a light drama with some humour than a straight out comedy, and I enjoyed both aspects of it.

I really like Kevin James and as usual he was great in this. It's always nice to see Taylor Lautner as well. The child actors were all quite good too. Actually, the entire cast did a great job.

The plot was simple but still fun. The ending was absolutely fantastic and I feel like the build up to that moment was perfect.

Inevitably, this movie won't be loved by all, but it's a fun enough time with a positive message, and its PG rating means it is definitely something the whole family can enjoy.

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6 /10

"We got a touchdown!"

Warning: Spoilers

I can't reconcile the idea that this film was based on the real life coach of the New Orleans Saints. It couldn't have been that simplistic, but as they say, it is what it is. For sports fans, this is like "The Bad News Bears" on a football field. Kevin James portrays Sean Payton, the suspended coach from the Saints, who with time on his hands, gets involved as the offensive coordinator for his son's Pop Warner football team. To me it felt like the real coach, Troy Lambert (Taylor Lautner), didn't even belong there once Payton arrived. Following a time worn and accepted formula for these types of sports flicks, the rag tag bunch of kids on the Warriors start to gel into a semblance of a team, becoming ecstatic when they score their first ever touchdown. Since the picture is geared toward a younger audience, I guess it's no surprise the film makers would go for low denominator humor, but the extended barfing scene during the championship game wore a bit thin very quickly. If that really happened, I'd eat one of those Rob Schneider health formula rolls (well, maybe not). The conclusion of this story ends on a high note, very similar in fact to the original "Rocky" movie, where you thought that the guy who lost the championship match really won. You'll come away with that feel good feeling knowing the Warriors did the best job they could.

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7 /10

Home is where ...

.. the home team plays? You were thinking of a different saying, weren't you? I was too, to be honest, but then I thought why not mix it up and give you something you do not expect. Now the movie of course will give you a lot of things, but most (if not all) will be things you will expect.

So predictability aside, cliches left to their own - the movie can be a fun watch if you let it. I have to admit, this was better than I expected. It has the flawed hero who is hung up on what others think of him ... instead of seeing the rich and kind people around him. Well it doesn't even need to be explained. But Kevin James does more than a decent job - certain things feel a bit flat and may have been better if the movie was deeper/richer, but this is supposed to entertain more than make you think too much (even if there is a message or two - and some may disagree with the messages too).

So sit back, relax and let the movie entertain you and make you feel for the underdogs ... which we do usually anyway (most of us that is).

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8 /10


I really enjoyed this movie. It's funny and heart warming. Although there was a scene in the third act that was overdone it's fun for the whole family.

Tim Treakle.

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5 /10

Solid Sporty

It's not an earth-shattering award winning sports film, but if you're looking for a funny, family friendly, story with some virtue - Home Team is a great pick. Not everything is stereotypical for a football flick, either.

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5 /10

Good story, but the awkward humor just killed it for me.

The story is good, but why take a real story and make it into a sports comedy, why they just couldn't loosely base the real story and create the there own main character instead of naming him after a real person.

Now Kevin James is pretty descent here so was Taylor Lautner. And some football moments are ok. But the humorous moments are just too awkward, to the point where I wondering to myself was that meant to be funny, I get the feeling the writers had problems writing funny jokes, cause I was not laughing I felt like scratching my head, and Rob Schneider does not do much either. And the kids look like rejects from The Bad News Bears and The Mighty Ducks.

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4 /10

As expected

This movie is exactly what you'd expect from a random Kevin James/Happy Maddison production. It's marginally funny, super corny and just not that good.

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1 /10

Early candidate for worst film of 2022

Growing up I was a happy Maddison fan, from billy madisson to joe dirt and most in between I enjoyed the ridiculous humour but at some point their passion for daft humour just became a lazy arrogance and the films just continually got worse and worse.

Unsure how they can claim this is based on a true story but I guess even loosely it sadly counts but he's ridiculous anyway.

Kevin has quickly become a figure so easy to dislike, his smug face, lack of actual ability and actual comedy skills have become so non existent it's just telling the only roles he, rob and the usual mob get jobs is because their friend give them roles. They were funny being stupid not because they are talented.. they misunderstood.

Poor Taylor, one half of twilight is Batman other is in this. Poor guy.

Honestly no humour, women portrayed as idiots, at a sports team a woman refered to running back as Russel brouts, a play on brussel sprouts. Then another where people projectile vomit as a tactic that's accepted! Utter stupidity bordering offensively bad.

Also the weak man's rugby is the stupidest sport ever contrived, really need to lose all the protection, play a real game like real men.

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8 /10

Feel good movie

I thought this film was well written, inspiring and had some comedy as well. KevinJames was superb in this sports movie. Definitely worth the watch. Need more like this.

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9 /10

What a great show

I expected a silly over the top comedy full of bad jokes and bad physical comedy. What I got was a fantastic uplifting comedy with some bad jokes and silly physical comedy. The story true and accurate or not is a great tale of playing sports and having a good time in life. Sit back and watch this fantastic show about kids and the adults that could learn a thing or two from them. If you do not like it the issue is you not the movie be a better person.

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6 /10

Better than expected...

Happy Madison released a new Netflix film with Kevin James, HOME TEAM. On paper the idea of approaching the true story of the Saints scandal with their stupid brand of humour sounds like a disaster but it was not as bad as I thought, I actually had fun with it.

You do have Rob Schneider in a completely useless, unfunny and over-the-top character as usual, but they kept it down to earth compared to their other films, and the biggest surprise to me is that I actually laughed a few times, the kids had good chemistry together.

There's one gross-out scene that was also pointless and was typical bad Adam Sandler humor. Honestly it's the kind of film that Dads will watch with their sons during this NFL playoffs season and most likely will have a good time bonding over football.

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6 /10

king kweenie is back...

And he is good, being sinister and goofy at the same time the jokes and comments is well set and qualified for the peewee league north central texas.

Im not much into nhl, nbl or nfl, cause we dont do them sports like that here'n norway, norway, but they made the game pretty understandable this time so socc soccer this time. Do also have in mind that this is a all family sports movie where barfing and buttocks are right on the edge of profanity, but it was good fun anyway.

Well chosen young actors, ball they can play i suppose, no stupid acts, just pranking along without jubbalong and thats neat, jolly good fun.

So if youre afraid of the oval ball and heavy dee-fence then have a look, it doesnt bite, you might as well get a lol too. The grumpy old man gives a small recommend, it has a nice progression where you might not expect progression at all.

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10 /10

For real?

This movie is fantastic. I wanted to hate it but it's awesome. I don't know how much more vulnerable you can be as a public person with a scandal in their background. It's awesome.

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10 /10

Comedy done by superstar actors and promising newbies

I have to say I enjoyed every minute of this movie I know there were some more serious issues overlooked but so what? For me it showed a beautiful positive that can come out of dark and slimy events - the restoration of a family relationships plus the fun and positive connection that should underlie all sports for children and young people.

Clearly this film did not attempt to address the events that occurred before the film but that is fine - life goes on and we aim from there to shine light and make the most we can from thereon. I felt the ending needed a little work and thus the loss of one point.

I really enjoyed seeing Taylor Lautner again and Isaiah Mustafa close to stole the show. Great swag - reminded me of a young Denzel Washington in this film.

Overall, this is a bravo for Adam Sandler - just don't review this film expecting it to be more than light comedy with a bit of Sandler gross and crazy (you will get this comment when you watch the film). If you are looking for everything to be serious after challenging events watch some other movie because over the past two years comedy and MEMES have been a great uplift during unfortunate events.

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4 /10

Like watching a slow motion train wreck

Warning: Spoilers

I guess this is supposed to be very loosely based on a true story? The kids do a good enough job but this is so bad but I just kept watching. There is no way it went down like this.

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8 /10

Nice relaxing family movie

You know you have a family friendly movie when Kevin James leads the way. This was fun, relaxing and a nice way to spend some time with the family. No Oscars will be won here, but still very enjoyable.

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7 /10

It wasn't bad and kids enjoyed it.

I think there's just a disconnect from what movies are suppose to be and accomplish and some of the viewers. Some movies are what they are but beat down for various reasons. Idk sometimes feel were to harsh on movies with an obvious target audience and age group. Its really not a bad movie. And no its not all time memorable either.

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4 /10

Weak at best

A stereotypical formula of a man who takes over a crumbling team and has to turn things around, along the way lessons are learned about morality and "doing the right thing" blah blah blah.

I think where this films fails is that it's trying hard to be a comedy just isn't funny. All the "jokes" and attempts at humour fell completely flat for me.

I remember in the late 90s and early 00s when Happy Madison wasn't afraid to step out of the "politically correct zone", they're just playing it far too safe these days because God forbid they upset any of the fragiles out there.

This film is a great example of just how dull and cowardice comedy has become today - you can thank the "woke" crowd for that.

It's a poor film, wouldn't recommend it to anyone; well, maybe someone I hate.

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